Real Estate

Nonrecourse carveout guaranties are part of the landscape for commercial real estate loans, much as landmines are part of the landscape for recent war zones. These nonrecourse carveout landmines have often exploded dramatically in the faces of carveout guarantors. Guaranties triggered full recourse for the loan if the borrower violated one of several dozen single
The owner of a building in the New York suburbs (let’s call it the Julex Tower) opened negotiations with a possible buyer. As is customary, the owner and possible seller asked the possible buyer to sign a confidentiality agreement, agreeing not to share information about Julex Tower or the possible sale. Like most other confidentiality
A report by global design firm Gensler recently reported planet Earth can sidestep global climate catastrophe only by slashing greenhouse pollution 45% by 2030 and 100% by 2050. The figures Gensler cited were from Architecture 2030, an organization whose mission is to “rapidly transform the built environment from the major emitter of greenhouse gases to