Real Estate

In this article JPM Follow your favorite stocksCREATE FREE ACCOUNT Country Garden canceled its share placement shortly after midnight, a report by IFR revealed, citing bookrunner JPMorgan. Future Publishing | Future Publishing | Getty Images Hong Kong-listed shares of Country Garden fell 5.06% on Tuesday, following multiple reports that the Chinese real estate developer had scrapped its
Moving to a new home, whether it’s across town or across several state lines, can be an exciting time – but also a budget-busting experience. New homeowners (and apartment dwellers), often want new items in their new space, but can’t afford to spend funds on the cool, new stuff they need or desire. We’re starting
The United States is entering a new economic era as the Federal Reserve hikes its benchmark interest rate. In July 2023, the federal funds effective rate stood above 5% for the first time in four decades. As interest rates climb, economists say financial conditions are headed back to being more normal. related investing news Stocks,
At this point, the U.S. housing crisis is well documented. The nation is short some 6.5 million homes, and developers can’t seem to build fast enough to meet the demand. Experts expected rising interest rates to exacerbate the housing shortage by stalling development activity and further throwing off the housing supply-demand pendulum—but in May, there
Once you’ve found a great real estate investment opportunity, it will be time to raise capital for the transaction. This step typically involves structuring the layers of equity and debt. In simple terms, equity refers to money that you’ll bring to the table and debt includes the different types of financing you’ll secure for the